Marketing What you Stand For

Since social movements became a popular way to work towards change with a large boom in recent years the internet has been a large proprietor to getting a groups message to the public. With links in posts that lead to more and more information further delving into the internet is easy and creates  many more rabbit holes than intended. But the networks in place are what makes movements possible and gives these campaigns in search of change the leverage and support they need.

Believe it or not there was a time prior to the internets debut and even then in the “dark ages” networking was important to give momentum to social movements. As stated in an article by Dan Shannon “Networks have always been central to social movements. The Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s was famously a “network of networks.” From the Highlander Folk School, where Rosa Parks studied nonviolent civil disobedience, to student groups at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University and Bennett College that organized the Woolworth’s lunch counter sit-in, to the Dallas County Voters League that organized the Selma marches, local networks sparked key moments that propelled the movement into the national consciousness. National networks of organizers from the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, the NAACP, and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee helped sustain momentum and build power over time. This intentional strategy of a network of networks was critical to the Civil Rights Movement’s success.”

This same concept is in place and is present in the he for she movement that is currently in place. The movement has created a network consisting of countries, organizations and individuals. The top 5 countries supporting the campaign are the United States, Mexico, United Kingdom, Ecuador, and Canada. The UN Women organization has branches in numerous countries as well. Some of the individuals in support are Harry Styles, James Van der Beek, Douglas Booth, Benedict Cumberbatch and that is just to name a few.

721667_bb2064329b6d40c7992d54f66127ff70 They even have disseminated further through transmediation. Sony Music Entertainment and UN Women Mexico have partnered for an event “‘Culture and Economy of Knowledge and Innovation” where they will present the album “He for She” by Mexican jazz singer Magos Herrera and Javier Limón.“A link to a video of them performing a song from this album can be found here.

The network at play has allowed numerous individuals from around the world to support the he for she movement and collaborate. “The disc, produced by Sony Music Entertainment Mexico and led by the Mexican artist Magos Herrera, who is also a spokesperson for UN Women Mexico as well as the Spanish guitarist Javier Limón, also involves the participation of recognized musicians and singers such as Eugenia Leon (Mexico), Fito Paez (Argentina), Sachal Vasandani (USA), Chabuco (Colombia), Oran Etkin (New York), Rogerio Boccato (Brasil) and Gregoire Maret (Switzerland).”

As the saying goes, it is not about what you know, but who you know. In trying to make social change it is important to know what to stand for but more importantly it is about knowing people, a lot of people, and people in higher places. As stated in prior articles Emma Watson is the spear head for the campaign followed by UN Women, numerous actors and actresses, and the president of the United States himself and many more.With such large names in support of the movement there is funding and murmurings of it around the world making a large impact on society.   As stated in her speech, “We are struggling for a uniting word but the good news is we have a uniting movement. It is called HeForShe. I am inviting you to step forward, to be seen to speak up, to be the “he” for “she”. And to ask yourself if not me, who? If not now, when?” The unity of the movement and the network of support for the he for she campaign is the key to success.

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